
Things we're up to...

The Wheatsheaf Carnival 27th August 2023 Camberley

Face painting for children aged 3 and over from 4pm-6pm raising funds for Woking and Sam Beare Hospice


2018 will be a little different as there will be an absolute top limit of 280 attendees, which has been specified by the hosts Pine Ridge Golf Centre, to ensure the safety and comfort of everyone there.

The Marie Curie team will be holding a ticket sale on Saturday 6 October, 10am to 12pm at Pine Ridge Golf Course, in the main entrance. Based on previous years’ popularity they expect to sell all or almost all tickets on this day. This year there will be NO TICKETS ON THE DOOR. They cannot sell tickets over the phone or online and they are not available at any other time from Pine Ridge. They can accept CASH ONLY.

Please remember that this event is organised by the Camberley Fundraising Group for Marie Curie and that they are all volunteers, organising this around their work and family commitments.

Thank you for your support.